What is the Cadastral Reference for and how to find it.

Referencia catastral en mapa

The cadastral reference is an essential part of the information when it comes to properties in Spain. Whether you’re an owner, a buyer, a real estate agent, or an investor, understanding how to read it is crucial for making informed decisions and complying with legal requirements. In this article, we will delve into why it’s important and how to effectively search for it.

What is the Cadastral Reference?

The cadastral reference is a unique number assigned to each parcel of land and each property in Spain by the Cadastre. This alphanumeric code consists of 20 characters and is structured as follows:

1234567 AB9999C 0001 DE (Example for urban property)

  • The first 7 digits (1234567) indicate the location of the property or the parcel.
  • The next group of 7 digits (AB9999C) identifies the cadastral plan in which we can find that parcel, with the first 2 letters corresponding to the corresponding territorial administration.
  • Following that, there are 4 numbers (0001), which indicate the specific property within the building.
  • Finally, the last 2 letters (DE) are simply control characters to validate that the rest of the entered information is correct.

If, on the other hand, it is a cadastral reference corresponding to a rural property, its composition would be as follows:

12 345 A 678 00012 0000BC

  • The first 2 numbers (12) identify the province.
  • The next 3 (345) indicate the municipality.
  • The letter (A) represents the sector.
  • Next is a group of 3 numbers (678) corresponding to the polygon.
  • The following 5 (00012) indicate the parcel.
  • Then, there are 4 numbers (0000) indicating the building.
  • Finally, the last 2 (BC), as in urban properties, are control digits.

This structure allows for the precise identification of a property anywhere in Spain. The cadastral reference is a unified system that facilitates property management and provides essential information for a variety of purposes, from real estate transactions to tax calculations.

Parcela identificada por referencia catastral

The Importance of the Cadastral Reference

he cadastral reference is crucial for several reasons, regardless of your role in the real estate field. Here are some of the most important reasons to understand its significance:

  1. Precise Property Identification: The cadastral reference ensures that each property has a unique and unambiguous identification. This is essential to prevent confusion, especially in urban areas where addresses can be similar or confusing.

  2. Access to Detailed Information: The cadastral reference not only identifies the property but also provides access to a wealth of detailed information about it. This includes data such as land area, built-up area, construction date, and other relevant details. This information is crucial for understanding properties, planning construction projects, and making informed decisions in the real estate market.

  3. Regulatory Compliance: Knowledge and use of the cadastral reference are mandatory in various real estate transactions and legal procedures. This includes property sales, tax declarations, obtaining construction permits, and other legal and financial processes. Failing to comply with these requirements can lead to legal and financial problems.

  4. Facilitates Communication with Authorities and Professionals: The cadastral reference has become a common language in the real estate sector in Spain. Using it in communication with government authorities, such as the Cadastre or the Property Registry, streamlines administrative processes. Furthermore, by providing this information to buyers, sellers, lawyers, and real estate agents, you demonstrate professionalism and expertise, which can build trust and credibility.

How to Search for the Cadastral Reference

Fortunately, searching for the cadastral reference is a relatively simple process thanks to the online tools provided by the General Directorate of Cadastre in Spain. Here are the steps to search for the cadastral reference of a property:

  1. Cess the Cadastre’s Online Headquarters from your computer or mobile with an internet connection.

  2. Within the platform, choose the query option that best suits your needs:

    • Query by Location: If you know the property’s address but not the cadastral reference.
    • Query by Cadastral Reference: If you already have the cadastral reference for the property. If you choose to query by cadastral reference, enter the 20 characters of the reference accurately.
  3. Once you’ve entered the reference, the system will display detailed information about the property, including its location, size, and more.

  4. If needed, you can download certificates and documents related to the property for legal procedures or real estate transactions.

This process should help you efficiently find the cadastral reference of a property in Spain.

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