Having a good photographic portfolio is undoubtedly an important business card when you want to attract the attention of the prospective buyer. In the advertisement you can write phrases like, new renovation, fine finishes, luxury flat or breathtaking view, but you will never be able to arouse with the same effect, emotions and increase the attractiveness of your advertisement if the photographs are disastrous.
Remember that when a potential buyer starts looking for a new home, the first thing they will see are images of hundreds of properties for sale and it is very important that yours stand out. For this reason, photos are a great marketing tool when you decide to put your home up for sale or rent.
Follow these 3 simple tips and you will improve the quality of the photos you are going to use in your advert.

Seeing photos with pets running around, intimate clothes hanging out or the owner reflected in the bathroom mirror while taking the photo, is not what we define as marketing at Real Estate Balear.
Before starting to photograph the property it is very important to take the time to organise the environment, making sure it is clean and tidy. Remove unnecessary objects such as ornaments, clothes, personal photographs, this will create a neutral atmosphere and make the visitor to our advert imagine living there.
By the way, put the toilet lids down… it’s not very glamorous to look at.

One of the most important elements that helps you to highlight the characteristics of the house is the light. Open the blinds and move the curtains to find out what is the best time of day to photograph the environment and ask yourself… Does the light fall softly on the objects or is it too direct, defining sharp contrasts?
Remember that to photograph the interiors of your home it is important to have as much natural light as possible, try turning off artificial lights and see what effect it has. Very often the problem with the light is due to the time of day, simply by waiting for the sun to change its angle you can notice an improvement in the brightness of the environment.

Interior photography should invite people into your home without being face-to-face. You should imagine from what perspective they will see the rooms and spaces of your home by choosing strategic points to create shots that capture as much space as possible and alternate them with more detailed photographs of features that only your home has.
When you start photographing you should imagine that you are guiding the prospective buyer through the home as you tell them about its qualities without them being there.
Remember that people buy mainly for emotions, for this reason knowing how to transmit experiences and beautiful moments through photographs is the key to arouse the interest of a potential buyer in your home.
The impact of images on sales
Pictures are very important when selling or renting a property, they create an emotional connection with potential buyers. The more your property can show its history and beauty through photos, the easier it will be for a property seeker to contact you rather than another advertiser.
If you have good photo equipment and basic photography skills, you can take them yourself. If not, it is better to rely on a good professional.